* Epic Fail *
If I could take a snapshot of the last time I felt like a failure, it would look like this...
...hold on scratch that!
Truth is I almost allowed myself to go there.
Gosh, why is it so much easier for us to shout about our successes, than to share about our failures - in...
Ever stared at a blank page knowing you have a story to tell but just can't get started.
The page mocking you as you start writing and delete and start again only to delete.
A dance of words and backspaces .. mad scientist moments and blank stares.
The process is somewhat poetic in nature and...
You may recall that last week I wrote about finding your superpower and how I was learning gratitude for not only my past or the anticipation of what the future holds but for my immediate moment.
Well, this week has been a test of that for me.
I sent a document off for its final...
While away on a high-performance coaching certification course last week, my thoughts turned towards gratitude and found myself pondering how far I've come in the last 12 months, since the last one. I can't quite believe it and am still pinching myself just to make sure I am here...
Sometimes it has to get worse to get better, ever heard that?
That poxy cold that is hanging around or the flu you just can't shake. The challenging situation you are encountering. When faced with health issues, we ask for help from a professional, but when it comes to facing an issue with...
Sitting at my laptop, I found myself dithering .. it was a Tuesday, half term, the boys were busy playing games, the house was quiet, apart from Stella who was lying at my feet snoring her head off.
I had so much to get through that day and yet despite knowing what to...
Finding your purpose in life can feel like you are playing a game of hide and seek.
You know the feeling I'm sure. Many of us don't know what our purpose is until we experience a moment in time that inspires us to take action. It's easy to think that the dream you have is impractical or...
When you're in a tough situation, feeling stuck and unsure or unclear about the outcome you want to create, it's like climbing the steepest rock face with no ropes ..
Not able to see beyond your immediate reality, not knowing if the tiny shelf you are reaching for will hold or if you will miss it...
Ever tried eating pancakes without maple syrup and lemon, or peanut butter toast without honey or jam .. Ha - 'yes, I do it all the time Marilise!' .. ok .. now I know these things belong together in my world and I'm sure you have a few non negotiable...
I got to the point where I had simply had enough, my nerves were frayed, I was on a very short fuse, I was emotional, angry and frustrated. I couldn't see a way out of the never-ending spiral of negative energy.
I felt alone ..
I knew that I had to take control of my path and say, NO MORE!
...There is one lesson I have learned over the last couple of years that has helped me move forward much faster than I could have imagined, it is this :
Show up as the BEST version of yourself every day, your most authentic self.
The biggest question for me a couple of years ago was HOW?