Today, I'm 'Guilty as Charged' .. tomorrow, will be a different story
Sep 12, 2019I was sitting at the table writing the last few pages of my book, my parents were visiting from South Africa and we had gone away as a family for a week in the summer holidays. The house was quiet, it was warm and light and it occurred to me as I finished the last sentence that I had just walked one of the most difficult paths of my life. I had written about topics really close to my heart, many of which were difficult to comprehend let alone share. It was in that moment that I felt overwhelmed as I realised how grateful I am for all the tears, the sleepless nights, the heated discussions, the coaching, all the time it's taken to produce it.
So as I submitted the draft with pride, relief and the realisation that I literally am bricking it and yes hands up I am ⭐️ GUILTY AS CHARGED ⭐️ petrified of being JUDGED and REJECTED. Gulp ..
As a result of this, I haven't until today wanted to share but this morning I was reminded once again that it’s ALL about #PROGRESS, not #PERFECTION
So now that I have my brave pants on ..
I AM READY TO SHOUT OUT FROM THE ROOFTOPS and introduce my book ..
#ROAR! How to tame the bully inside and out
Exactly a year ago I was in South Africa with an incredible woman and friend while working on a Diversity & Inclusion project with a leading South African bank. We spent the weekend with my folks in Stanford (Western Cape) and went to the Harbour Rock in Hermanus for dinner on Saturday evening. As we were discussing the project and planning our next steps for the year ahead, I found myself verbalising something I’d been thinking about for years, and announcing proudly “I am going to write a book”.
Feeling quite excited and pleased with myself, I waited for her response and all she said was, “Give me a date...” I looked at her confused and she said, "Tell me when you are going to publish your book."
I didn’t expect this and blurted out a random date. I cannot remember the exact date I gave her, I think it was around June 2020 and at the time I thought far enough into the future to allow me to write my book.
So its no wonder that a year on I am absolutely thrilled (and petrified) to let you know that last week, I submitted the completed draft of my very first book, ROAR!, to my publisher, Rethink Press.
I have to keep pinching myself because in my mind it's still not real .. I don't have a printed copy, but its in! Written and submitted in 12 months. It's been the most challenging, most rewarding, most cathartic thing I have ever done! And I've had to remind myself many times to trust the process and as one of my gurus always says "Keep the main thing, the main thing"... and that "until you've finished writing a good book, nothing else matters. FINISH THE BOOK!"
Still pinching myself as I write this .. I am so pleased that I DID IT!!!
Now, I know the book is not quite done, but I am over the worst - I finished a good (I think!) book - 32,500 words, and although the context of the book is workplace bullying, it really is about overcoming fear and limiting self-beliefs and how to live your best life.
The lessons shared in it have come from my own personal experience and I have invested heavily in my own self-development over the last 12-18 months, all of which has got me to the point where I can share my ideas in a book that I hope will help and support anyone struggling with bullying and living with fear and limiting self-beliefs as a result, the book aims to help the reader show up as their most authentic, best self every day.
So once the book has been edited, the NEXT STOP is the book launch which is estimated to be in Nov 2019, so keep your eyes peeled, I will keep you in the loop.
In the meantime, if you would like to get a glimpse of my story, you can download my Reigniting Your Passion eBook here ... ...
Thank you for being such an important part of my journey and for your support, I can't wait to share the finished product with all of you.
- Marilise
PS: I'm sharing a sneak peek of my book's cover, which was designed by my talented cousin Christi du Toit. We'll tell you more about the creative in a few weeks - watch this space!
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