Finding Your ROAR!
Dec 20, 2019Ever stared at a blank page knowing you have a story to tell but just can't get started.
The page mocking you as you start writing and delete and start again only to delete.
A dance of words and backspaces .. mad scientist moments and blank stares.
The process is somewhat poetic in nature and filled with charged emotions. When the words flow they gush. The entire page is filled. You know you just have to get them down just in case you have another moment of blank stares, knowing you'll write and delete and start that dance all over again ...
This sums up how I felt writing my book, it was the hardest thing I have ever tried to do. It took a monumental effort to tell my story, research, qualify and test my theory.
If I wanted 'good enough' ... well, ROAR! wouldn't have actually made it onto the pages.
Now that it is with the printers, being published as we speak, there is no more I can do. I have allowed myself to unwind and get excited about sharing it with you.
Part of me is terrified because I share parts of my journey that have been private for many years. As I was writing it all down, I realised that all the experiences I have had over the years have shaped me into what I've become. So I had to let go and learn to tell all, make myself vulnerable in the hope that I am able to help just one person change their situation.
I have lived and breathed writing this book for a year, I have dreamed about it for much longer. And now, I can't wait to receive my box of test books and to finally look through the printed version, feel the pages as I turn them and do one final check.
I actually think I might cry!
One thing is for sure, I'll be celebrating!
So without further ado .. I'd like to introduce you to my book ..
ROAR! How to tame the bully inside and out
It is an inspirational story about my personal journey in learning how to deal with the bully in my life, finding my voice and having the courage to ROAR!
This book aims to inspire readers with the confidence and courage to speak up and find their ROAR! Whether that is the person feeling bullied, the accidental bully or the organisational culture that allows it.
When you’ve read the book, you will:
- Be able to spot a bully
- Be familiar with the toxic trio – bully, victim and culture – and their traits
- Be aware of the common pitfalls to avoid when dealing with a bully
- Have a process for dealing with difficult situations when they arise
- Know what it takes to win the inner and outer game, and how important it is
- Feel ready to step up, be brave and live your best life
I will be sharing more about the topics covered in the book over the coming weeks and unpacking some of my ideas, so please lookout for new blogs and videos. If you have any questions that you would like me to discuss then please comment on this blog and I will do my best to include them.
I am in the process of creating my first training course called Finding Your ROAR! to support the book and there will be an audio version of the book available too.
The most exciting part is that as soon as it is published there will be an opportunity to purchase the Kindle version for .99p on Amazon and I will write to you to let you know when it is available, if you want me to notify you directly then please head over HERE and fill in the form.
If you know someone who would benefit from reading ROAR! please share this blog.
Thank you in advance.
- Marilise
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