Aug 23, 2020This week (Weds, 26 Aug @ 12pm) I'll be speaking to Andy Woodfield and Donna Herdsman about Top Skill #3: AUTHENTICITY. If you are new to THE 'PERFECT' TEN series and you would like to know more >> click here
"Just be yourself" That's popular work advice these days, with more and more companies encouraging people to "be authentic" and bring their whole selves to work. But when we get real at the wrong time or in the wrong way, it can backfire. That's why Adam Grant, on his Work/Life podcast with TED, calls authenticity "a double-edged sword".
JOIN US LIVE as we explore:
What does effective authenticity look like ??
How can we strike the right balance ??
Andy Woodfield is committed to showing people how life can be when they have the courage to embrace their unique strengths, being the same person at work as at home. He believes that every human being has unique genius, real power and impact, and a delightful ability to dream. Andy has been a partner with PwC UK since 2006, and is currently the Global Relationship Partner for the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO).
Donna Herdsman is an award winning professional services executive and mentor. In 2016 she was included in the inaugural EMpower (US, UK and Ireland) 100 BAME executive list. EMpower and Yahoo Finance also named her as one of the 100 Senior BAME executives in 2019/20 (US, UK, Canada, and Ireland). Donna also won the First Woman Mentor of the Year award in 2017. Now an independent consultant, Donna is passionate about helping people pursue their dreams, and advises clients on inclusivity in the workplace.
JOIN US LIVE on Wednesday 26 August @12pm!
Welcome to Marilise de Villiers Basson Consulting Ltd
I am your host, Marilise de Villiers Basson. I am a performance coach, author and change consultant. I promote the integral role that people, and workplace cultures, play in creating a safe and inclusive digital economy.
- To read more about the services I offer >> go here
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- Pick-up my book ROAR! How to Tame the Bully Inside and Out >> Amazon
- Download your free copy of Chapter ONE go here >> Chapter ONE
- Please note: An audio version of ROAR! - read by me - will be available soon. Watch this space!
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