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THE 'PERFECT' TEN... Starting this Wednesday!

Aug 10, 2020

I am super excited to kick-off my new Your BullyProof Life YouTube series this Wednesday (12 August) @ 11am.

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The series is called THE 'PERFECT' TEN. At this point - depending on your age - you may be hearing a song by The Beautiful South, and may think that this series will be about body shapes and sizes - please rest assured, it's not! ;)

So what is THE 'PERFECT' TEN?

It's the ten skills that I believe an organisation must develop - now and in the future -  in order for  the organisation and its people to thrive. I recently delivered a series of 'Future Skills' webinars for a client where we did exactly this. 

It's no secret that I am passionate about helping people thrive at work. Unfortunately I see too many people 'going through the motions' every day so I am not surprised that only 15% of workers are highly engaged, according to global analytics firm Gallup. This is a massive barrier to creating high-performing cultures and concerns me a lot.

THE 'PERFECT' TEN series is my personal take on how organisations can future proof themselves - by putting people at the heart of their strategies to create safe and inclusive cultures. Here are my top 10:

I am excited to kick the series off with TOP SKILL #1: EMPATHY   

My guests this week are Mimi Nicklin and Ed Kirwan. Two amazing heart-centred people who dedicate their life's work to the skill of Empathy. Yes, empathy is a skill. We're all born with it. We can all learn it. The workplace desperately needs more of it!!  

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Mimi is an author and the host of the ‘Empathy for Breakfast’ breakfast show as well as the Secrets of The Gap podcast. She is an experienced marketer and communications specialist, and a well-known empathetic leader. She is currently the Managing Director and Creative Officer of the global advertising agency, RAPP.

Ed is a filmmaker, educator and the founder of Empathy Week - a global educational programme that develops students into empathetic leaders, working towards creating the #EmpathyGeneration . Having previously worked as a science teacher in North London for 3 years, Ed has since spent his time filming and using visual storytelling to champion social causes - particularly homelessness and in 2018 went to Mexico for the 2018 Homeless World Cup.

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