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The research speaks louder than words ..

book launch Feb 01, 2020

Today's video is all about the research study I did to underpin my book and why I felt it was important to find out exactly what is going on in peoples lives. I share a bit more about my findings. 

I also talk about the book promotion I'll be running on the 12th and 13th February where you will be able to pick up the kindle version for 99p! If you can't wait for that date head over to Amazon and order the hard copy. If you just want a taster at this point, follow the link below. 

Keep your eyes peeled for a bit more from me over the next few days,

- Marilise


Get your hands on Chapter ONE of .. my recently published book ..

ROAR! How to tame the bully inside and out

Become a part of the workplace kindness revolution.


I'm so excited that you are here! Here is chapter one of my recently published book ROAR! How to tame the bully inside and out. It will give you a flavour of the book and set the scene. I share my personal experience with you and I hope if nothing else it inspires you to take steps towards living your best life. 

- Marilise 

"When given the choice between being right and being kind choose kind"  WONDER, the movie

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