THE 'PERFECT' TEN | Top Skill #9: Influence | JOIN US LIVE
Oct 12, 2020How can you become more influential in your relationships and career?
THE 'PERFECT' TEN is back this week with TOP SKILL #9 Influence.
The world’s highest performers are remarkably influential. Take a moment to think about the most influential person in your life. What makes them so influential?
Communicating with impact and developing influence with those around you, will make you better at getting people to believe in and support your efforts and ambitions. Unless you consciously develop a positive support network, major achievements over the long haul are all but impossible.
"Power is of two kinds: One is obtained by the fear of punishment and the other by acts of love."
Mahatma Gandhi
I am delighted to be joined by Louise Cartwright and Robert Coles this Weds, 14 Oct @ 12pm, where we will discuss the importance of developing influence.
JOIN US LIVE !!! to find out three things the world’s most influential people have in common in the way they influence both individuals and the masses.
Louise Cartwright works to transform small business owners in to 6 figure CEOs so they can live a life of financial, time and location freedom. In her “past life” Louise was an overweight, depressed, single parent, claiming benefits and in substantial debt. Using the tools she now shares with her clients, Louise turned it around to become a 6 time triathlete, mindset expert, international coach and speaker. It is her passion to help others redefine their identity and create their Rich Life. ️
Robert Coles is the Director of Cumberland House Consulting Ltd, specialising in cyber security strategy, programme delivery and Non-Exec and Board Advisory roles. He is also an Honorary Professor at UCL and Visiting Professor at Royal Holloway, University of London. Robert has over 30 years of cybersecurity experience and has held a number of Chief Information Security Officer positions, including for the NHS and health and care system, GSK, National Grid and Merrill Lynch. Robert has extensive links with major industry information security networking groups and government security agencies. He was awarded a PhD in psychology by the University of Leeds for his work on the perceptions of information and IT risk and has published and presented on this and other topics.
We look forward to seeing you there !!
JOIN US LIVE on Wednesday 14 October @12pm!
I am your host, Marilise de Villiers. I am a performance coach, best selling author and cyber security people & change consultant. I promote the integral role that people and workplace cultures play in creating a safe and inclusive digital economy.
- To read more about the services I offer >> go here
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- Pick-up my book ROAR! How to Tame the Bully Inside and Out >> Amazon
- Download your free copy of Chapter ONE go here >> Chapter ONE
- Please note: An audio version of ROAR! - read by me - will be available soon. Watch this space!
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