Standing on the platform ...
Jun 03, 2019It was a Monday morning and I was lost in thought as I stood on the platform waiting for my train to arrive. Reflecting back to how I felt a few months earlier when my stress levels were through the roof and all I could think about was how I was going to handle yet another day where I would be made to feel inadequate ...
How different things were for me now ...
I had learned that life was teaching me how to be more resilient ...
I had started to view my days as experiences that would shape and form me into a better stronger and more determined leader. I was starting to take back my power and view myself as strong, a force to be reckoned with and someone who was an excellent role model, as someone who delivered despite difficult circumstances.
'I am a strong, motivated and driven woman' I would tell myself, I made sure I headed into each day with a positive mindset having decided who I wanted to be, how I wanted to be perceived and how I would manage challenges that day.
Never easy ...
Always a challenge ...
But ready to show up and be counted ...
Through my experiences, I was learning about my own value and developing a level of resilience that has helped me move forward and catapulted me to where I am today.
You can read more about my story in my REIGNITING YOUR PURPOSE eBOOK, download it below.
For me, it was about strategically developing my psychology, physiology, productivity, and people skills so that I could advance my dreams and help people like you step into the realms of high performance. I started leveraging PROVEN high-performance habits, strategies and tools to find that total upgrade of my life.
The symbolism of me standing on that platform and choosing to step onto the train was part of my journey ...
I was figuring out where I wanted my life to go, and how I wanted to live it.
Forever grateful
- Marilise
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