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study on workplace culture Apr 10, 2019

Over the last few days, I've talked about what it feels like to be in a difficult situation at work, where the culture can be described as 'toxic'. Where it is extremely difficult to get things done. Where every meeting is challenging and your self-confidence is knocked. Feeling tired and worn and a general lack of action seems to be the only way to cope with things and avoid another confrontation.

Many people in this situation just want to fix it thinking that if they solve the problem their difficult relationship will be ok, job done, everyone happy.

My experience has shown me that it's not quite that simple!

The way I've learned to tackle this is to take action but do so with clarity of purpose and understand what you want to achieve.

If I had to sum up the top 2 things I did when I decided to confront the situation, 2 things that resulted in a positive outcome that is ... yes, I made mistakes and learned the hard way, to avoid those mistakes start here :

  1. I realised my goal had to be clear - I had to be clear about what changes I was hoping for? then I needed to define this in detail ... 
  2. I realised I needed to understand what success would look like in this scenario? This was so I could measure how effective my efforts were - simply ask yourself what signs would indicate that the situation is improving for you. Possibly things like no longer afraid to go to work, sick less frequently, more creative, more valued. Be clear and you will be able to measure the outcome. 

If you have got to the point where you know that something has to change for you then be brave and be honest about where you are at, ask for help and take action. I share the exact steps I took in my ebook, you can download it here please follow the link. [download the ebook]

Question is, are you at the point where you know you have to take the next steps?

I would love to hear more about your experiences and would like to invite you to complete my survey or message me with more details about your story.

Please CLICK HERE to complete my survey.

If you want to know a little more about it then please scroll down and read more below.


I need your support, please. I am conducting a study for my book, Roar! How to tame the bully, and I would be very grateful if you would participate in my study.

In my eBook, you will have read about my own experience with workplace bullying and its toll on my relationships and my health (mentally and physically). That is why I am determined to help others recognise the signs of workplace bullying early on and to take action before it is too late.

If you have worked in a situation where you have been the Witness or Target of:

1. behaviour that is intentionally negative and malicious, whether physical or emotional, from one or more persons,
2. negative behaviour that is consistently aggressive and persistent, and
3. behaviour that is driven by another person’s desire to obtain control.

Then I would like to invite you to participate in this study.

This survey is being sent to individuals working in organisations across all industries worldwide. Your participation will help assure that the results generated present an accurate reflection of the prevalence of bullying behaviour in workplace cultures today.


The survey is anonymous and treated in the strictest confidence. You may refuse to answer any question or quit the survey at any time. It will take approximately 10-20 minutes to complete.

I’d love to get industry and country-specific analysis too, so the more responses I get, the better, so please feel free to send this link to your colleagues.

Thank you in advance,

Marilise de Villiers


PS: Although there may be no direct benefit to the participant, there are possible benefits to organisations and society as a whole. Leaders, managers, and human resource personnel may learn techniques for identifying, investigating, and managing workplace bullying. Potential benefits to employees would include improved mental, physical and emotional well-being. Raising awareness of workplace bullying could potentially benefit leaders and organisations by increasing employee engagement and productivity.

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