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The hardest thing I've ever tried to do ...

roar! tame the bully Jun 20, 2019

When I decided to write a book in November last year, I had all these grand plans about what I would call it and what story I'd tell. I knew there was more to it than meets the eye, but I completely underestimated how much soul-searching, learning, time and energy would go into creating this book, designed to help and inspire those being bullied or bullying themselves ... 

When I had my book planning session just before I went away in November, the purpose of the book and the message I wanted to share became very clear. I spent a day with an amazing coach who started unpacking the message, the chapters their content and we developed a good structure for the book in the session.

I then went on holiday and committed myself to map it all out and my plan was to start to write and do so every day. I came up with an ambitious plan to have it all written by July and handed over to my publisher for editing by then. The pressure was on!

For each chapter to be well-structured, there has to be a logic to it, an easily understood path to travel so that the message is delivered clearly and succinctly. So much easier said than done, but I am getting the hang of it, I am nearly there !! 

So I started with chapter one and got part way, I then decided to start at the end of the book and write backwards ... oh my ... back to the start ... then to the middle, moving on when I got stuck ... to say that this has been such a messy process is an understatement, never easy and I feel like I have travelled to the moon and back to be able to fully understand each topic featured. In order to tell a story and do it well, I have had to go very deep into my own experience and understand my own motivations and behaviours to make sense of them and develop my method. 

I am so excited by this process and at times totally 'over it' and have had enough, the roller coaster highs and lows of writing about the outer bully and the inner bully have been such an incredible journey for me. 

I can't wait to share it all with you ... I've just handed in chapter 7 ... one to go ... 

Watch this space ...

I share a snippet of my story in my Reigniting Your Purpose eBook, where I share my formula for getting ahead, and when I started leveraging PROVEN high-performance habits, strategies and tools I found a total upgrade of my life.

Figuring out where I wanted my life to go, and how I want to live it has only taken me 40 years, lol, is It your time now my friend?

- Marilise






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